Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Bully's Camp / Broome 17/9/2013

We had to leave Bully’s camp by 6am as we had booked the car in for a warranty service in Broome. We arrived in Broome at around 9.30, so had time to give the car a quick wash to get some of the red dirt off it. We didn’t think the mechanics would be impressed by a very dirty car. The service was being done by a mechanic at a servo, we booked the car in, told him what was needed and asked where we could wait for the hour or so it would take. He looked baffled and informed us they didn’t have anywhere. We certainly were not going to stand in the forecourt of a servo for an hour, so we got our chairs out the back and set them up around the side. We got some strange looks, but hey I was not standing.

Service finished, we went to Chinatown to have a look around. There were certainly some very quirky shops. I discovered that all the pearl farms had shops in Chinatown, there were also numerous jewellers. I had said that I would love pearls from Broome, but the first shop we went into, apparently the best in Broome, was so expensive it put me off entirely. We wandered around, and had another look in one of the Pearl farm shops, the pearls were beautiful and reasonably priced. They had a necklace I really liked, but couldn’t size it for me, they sent us to the jeweller 2 doors down to have a look. That is where Iain found the perfect necklace, and with a jeweller in residence, they could alter it the same day.
Deal done, we went to book into our cabin for the night. I really wanted to see sunset over Cable Beach, and caravan parks are not an option, so cabin it was. We settled in, did our washing, then went to pick up my necklace. A bit of grocery shopping was required, which we quickly di and then headed out to Cable Beach. I had heard and read so much about it, but at the end of the day it was just another tourist beach, we were both disappointed, but the sunset was pretty.

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